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A steps challenge is a great way to get everyone involved in a fun and social activity.
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15 January - 12 February
Kick start your 2023
We've taken all the hassle out of organising it for you. Our app takes care of all the administration.
If more than eight teams register from your company or organisation, you will get your own leaderboard to keep track of your teams.
Just download our company starter pack. Its got more details about launching the challenge in your organisation and an email template to send to your colleagues and friends.
It couldn't be easier to get involved.
The Steps Team Challenge at Mazars has been extremely well received by the internal Mazars community in recent years.
It can sometimes be difficult to find events that bring people who work either in the office or remotely together, but the steps challenge does just that. Mazars are delighted to open up the challenge to everyone this year and help colleagues, clients, friends and organisations alike get 2023 off to a healthy start.
We have some great prizes along the virtual route so it’s not just the people who do the most steps that get prizes and Mazars will also make a donation to a charity nominated by the winning team.
We are really looking forward to what promises to be a great event.
Best of luck with the challenge.
Tom O'Brien
Mazars Managing Partner
For more information email
Boost morale, engage your team and get moving
Download starter pack
Download starter pack
Download starter pack
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At Mazars we run our steps team challenge every year, but this year we want your company to take part.
Download starter pack
Starter pack content:
Launch email template
Details on the challenge
Information on our App
Breakdown of the virtual route
Prizes breakdown
At Mazars we run our steps team challenge every year, but this year we want your company or organisation to take part.
Launch the challenge in your organisation
Boost moral, engage your team and get moving